Fertility Diagnosis & Testing at CIFAR IVF Centre 

Advanced Laboratory Facilities

Fertility Diagnosis & Testing at CIFAR IVF Centre  At CIFAR IVF Centre in Gurugram, Haryana, we recognise the mental and physical difficulties associated with fertility issues. We are dedicated to delivering tailored, thorough infertility diagnosis and testing with advanced technologies and extensive collective experience.  Why Choose CIFAR for Fertility Diagnosis?  1. State-of-the-ART Technology with Modern fertility testing Lab :The lab at the CIFAR IVF clinic has the newest and […]

A Journey of Hope and Resilience—Successful Pregnancy After Sleep Apnoea Condition

A new life, a new beginning for a 32-year-old young woman after Sleep Apnoea Condition A 32 years woman named Mrs. Juhi Rawat (Name Change for patient privacy) who had been dreaming of motherhood for years. But her journey was fraught with challenges. She was battling a silent adversary – sleep apnea, a condition that disrupted her sleep and left her feeling exhausted and drained. What is Obstructive Sleep […]

Who Should Consider Uterine Septoplasty/Metroplasty? Ask IVF Doctor in India?

A uterine septum is a disorder in which the uterus is unnaturally separated into two halves by a band of tissue. Uterine septoplasty, which is also known as metroplasty, is a surgical surgery that is intended to correct a uterine septum. It is possible for this illness to have an impact on reproductive results, such as fertility, recurrent miscarriages and the consequences of pregnancy. Uterine septoplasty/metroplasty is a viable […]

On World IVF Day, July 25, what do couples need to understand about the latest IVF technology?

what do couples need to understand about the latest IVF technology

Why do we celebrate World IVF Day? World IVF Day, sometimes referred to as World Embryologist Day, is observed annually on July 25th for several reasons: World IVF Day is observed annually on July 25th to honour the birth of Louise Brown, the first-ever “test-tube baby,” who was born in 1978 using the technique of in vitro fertilisation (IVF). It represents a noteworthy achievement in the field of reproductive […]

What are the various medical treatment options for infertility?

Infertility is a medical disease that can affect both male or female reproductive system. It is characterised by the inability to conceive a pregnancy after a year or more of consistent unprotected sexual intercourse, Dr Puneet Rana Arora Says, IVF Expert and Medical Director Cifar Infertility Center, Gurugram Haryana. It can have a significant effect on both men and women, resulting in emotional stress, psychosocial well-being, and financial challenges […]

Can toxic air cause infertility and birth complications? Ask IVF Expert in India

Can toxic air cause infertility and birth complications

Yes, exposure to toxic air pollutants has been linked to various adverse health effects, including Infertility , reproductive issues and birth complications. Air pollutants such as particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can have harmful effects on the reproductive system. “Certain air contaminants, specifically diesel exhaust, lead, and copper, appear to have endocrine-disrupting effects on female reproductive – […]