Five Quick Facts About Covid-19 And Fertility

1. COVID-19 does not appear to cause birth defects but may increase pregnancy complications. Unlike viruses such as rubella, chickenpox, or Zika virus, there is no evidence that COVID-19 causes birth defects. Because of the immunosuppression and increased respiratory demands of pregnancy, expectant mothers who become infected with COVID-19 must be closely monitored. COVID-19 in pregnancy can pose some increased risks to the baby, such as preterm birth and […]

Fertility and Cancer – Do fertility drugs cause cancer?

It is true that a few studies seemed to find a connection between fertility drug use and an increased risk of breast or uterine cancer, specifically with the drug Clomiphene Citrate. But should you be concerned about an increased cancer risk? Let’s take a look. Studies that suggest a link between fertility treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and cancer are conflicting, with some reporting a small increase in […]

The Effects Of Coronavirus Over Fertility

Since December when the first case of symptoms because of coronavirus was reported to WHO, more and more cases of coronavirus are being reported. The W.H.O rings the alarm bell aloud and calls it a pandemic on? The death toll from coronavirus cases is world-shattering and disrupts the economic, political and social life today across continents. As nations are adopting measures to manage the crisis to prevent the rapid […]

Effect of Cancer Treatment on Fertility

Effect of Cancer Treatment on Fertility

Cancer is the abnormal growth and division of cells and can develop almost anywhere in the body. There are different types of cancers including lung cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lymphoma, etc. The symptoms of cancer can vary depending on the type of body part is affected. Fertility issues with cancer and cancer treatment Cancer and some of the cancer treatments can affect a woman’s fertility or […]

Irregular periods and Infertility

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is generally 28 days, however, it’s completely normal for periods to come a bit early or late. In general, females, who are still going through puberty, have higher chances of getting irregular periods, whereas females, who are past this phase, develop a regular cycle. Irregular periods are a condition when the length of the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and keeps on changing. […]

First ‘three person baby’ born using new method

The world’s first baby has been born using a new “three person” fertility technique, New Scientist reveals. The five-month-old boy has the usual DNA from his mum and dad, plus a tiny bit of genetic code from a donor. US doctors took the unprecedented step to ensure the baby boy would be free of a genetic condition that his Jordanian mother carries in her genes. Experts say the move […]

Pregnancy Outcome in Male and Female survivors

The survival rates for childhood cancer are on rise. This would equate to increase in the number of survivors. It has been shown that around two thirds of survivors will have some kind of late side effect and one of them could be effect on reproductive potential. Reproductive concerns can alter the quality of life in some and can lead to mental health issues. Fertility counseling and offering options […]

Sons born with fertility treatment ‘inherit problems’

Boys born to fathers who needed help conceiving have poorer sperm quality as adults than peers conceived without help, a study published in Human Reproduction suggests. This study, carried out by a team from the Universiteit Brussels – where ICSI was developed – looked at 54 men aged 18 to 22. They were compared with 57 men of the same age. Men born from ICSI had almost half the […]