Five Quick Facts About Covid-19 And Fertility

1. COVID-19 does not appear to cause birth defects but may increase pregnancy complications.

Unlike viruses such as rubella, chickenpox, or Zika virus, there is no evidence that COVID-19 causes birth defects. Because of the immunosuppression and increased respiratory demands of pregnancy, expectant mothers who become infected with COVID-19 must be closely monitored. COVID-19 in pregnancy can pose some increased risks to the baby, such as preterm birth and growth restriction.

2. It is safe to conceive during the pandemic.

Doctors support women’s autonomy to conceive during the pandemic. Although women with medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity may be at higher risk of complications from COVID-19, the virus does not pose pregnancy-specific risks that warrant delaying conception.

3. Semen from infected men might contain COVID-19.

In a study of 38 men in China with COVID-19, 15.8% had detectable virus in the semen. Sexual transmission of COVID-19 through semen has not been confirmed, but it recommended that men who are currently infected with, or recovering from, COVID-19 use a condom or abstain from sex.

4. In utero transmission of COVID-19 is very rare.

Early evidence suggested that COVID-19 did not pass from mother to child prior to birth. A recent case in the United States, however, did find evidence of in utero transmission but the risk of neonatal infection remains very low, at less than 2%.

5. Women who are planning to conceive, pregnant, or breastfeeding should consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

None of the COVID-19 vaccines contain live virus. Vaccines that do use live virus (e.g., the chickenpox vaccine) are contraindicated in pregnancy. There is presently no evidence for safety, or harm, of the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnant or breastfeeding women because these groups were excluded from the initial studies.

Dr. Puneet Rana Arora is the best obstetrician and gynaecologist in Delhi NCR. She is an associate of Royal college of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UK (MRCOG), and has obtained Master’s degree in Reproduction and Development from Bristol, UK (M.Sc). She had her super-speciality training in UK in the field of Reproductive Medicine which contributes to her being one of the best infertility specialist in Delhi NCR. Dr Puneet has worked for over a decade in National Health services (NHS) in UK providing care to infertile patients. Her work experience includes one of the leading infertility centers of UK (St. Mary Hospital of Manchester).

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