Top 10 IVF Treatment Benefits Everyone Should Know in 2023

IVF Treatment Benefits

Millions of couples and individuals worldwide have used In vitro fertilization (IVF) as a medical treatment to fulfill their ambition of becoming parents. IVF treatment has many advantages for both the male and females receiving the treatment and society at large. Over 80 million couples worldwide struggle with infertility, making access to and use of IVF treatment a major global issue. And according to Reproductive Biomedicine Online, presented research […]

Why is reproductive medicine so important?

Why is reproductive medicine so important?

Although reproductive medicine helps bring new life into the world, its focus on issues such as birth control, sexual education, and mental health are as equally as important in creating balanced and sustainable societies. Preventing unplanned pregnancies not only reduces poverty infant mortality rates, but it also eases the strain on overstretched social services, as well as empowering millions of women all over the world to build successful careers […]

Are you worried about recurrent implantation failures?

Are you worried about recurrent implantation failures?

Facing recurrent implantation failures in three or more consecutive IVF attempts can definitely leave a couple dejected. Such patients need medical and psychological support to cope up with and help them understand what caused it and how they can prevent it from happening again. It is very important to evaluate both male and female partners in such cases and individualise the treatment accordingly. CAUSES AND TREATMENT

Should you screen your embryo for genetic abnormalities?

Human embryos can have genetic abnormalities. Genetic abnormalities can be in the form of extra or missing chromosomes or parts of chromosomes, and here’s what can happen with embryos carrying Genetic Abnormalities- When embryos are formed in the laboratory, some genetically abnormal embryos may reach the stage of blastocyst. Approximately 40% of human blastocysts are genetically normal, however this reduces to 25% if the woman is aged 42 at […]

Method of achieving Fertility by In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in India

Method of fertility in egg and sperm IVF follows an elaborate seven-step cycle from ovulation induction to embryo transfer and follow-ups. Here’s a look at the exact process. Step 1. Ovulation Induction A successful IVF cycle relies on the development and maturation of multiple ovarian follicles. Therefore, as a first step, fertility drugs are given for ovulation induction. During the stimulation process, your fertility specialist will go to great […]