Should you screen your embryo for genetic abnormalities?

Human embryos can have genetic abnormalities. Genetic abnormalities can be in the form of extra or missing chromosomes or parts of chromosomes, and here’s what can happen with embryos carrying Genetic Abnormalities- When embryos are formed in the laboratory, some genetically abnormal embryos may reach the stage of blastocyst. Approximately 40% of human blastocysts are genetically normal, however this reduces to 25% if the woman is aged 42 at […]

Method of achieving Fertility by In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in India

Method of fertility in egg and sperm IVF follows an elaborate seven-step cycle from ovulation induction to embryo transfer and follow-ups. Here’s a look at the exact process. Step 1. Ovulation Induction A successful IVF cycle relies on the development and maturation of multiple ovarian follicles. Therefore, as a first step, fertility drugs are given for ovulation induction. During the stimulation process, your fertility specialist will go to great […]

Oocyte Cryopreservation – What you need to know?

What Is Oocyte Cryopreservation? Oocyte cryopreservation, also known as egg freezing, is a process wherein a woman’s eggs are extracted, frozen and stored for later use. The treatment cycle is similar to that of an IVF procedure, beginning with ovarian stimulation, wherein medications that contain Follicle Stimulating Hormones are administered in the form of an injection for about 10 to 12 days. Once the eggs are ready, they are […]

Everything You Need to Know About Before, During, and After a Hysteroscopy Surgery

While modern medicine has many great ways to see what’s going on inside your body with advanced imaging equipment, sometimes it’s necessary to get a closer look. Typically, this meant invasive surgery, but modern science stepped up once again with tools that can take a quick peek at your insides without causing any collateral damage to the outside. A hysteroscopy is one such technique. To address any apprehension you […]

Male Infertility – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Options for Male Infertility in Gurgaon

It is estimated that about 15% of the couples are infertile. It means they are unable to conceive a child despite having had unprotected sex frequently for a year or longer. However, infertility has historically been attributed to woman. Sometimes, infertility may be due to more than one factor, so it is very important that detailed investigations are done in both male and female partner. Just like women, men […]

Is Diabetes a Cause of Infertility?

Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of concern for millions of people around the world. For most people, it is a condition they will have to deal with for their entire life, especially people suffering from Type-1 diabetes. It is already a challenge to deal with by itself, but it can be even more of a hassle in your everyday life. For many people diabetes mellitus already poses some […]

Connection between Infertility and Thyroid Health

Many women have a sense that there is something wrong with their thyroid health—they’re gaining weight despite a healthy diet, experiencing chronic fatigue or cold intolerance, losing hair, forgetting things, having trouble going to the bathroom, and feeling generally depressed—and yet no one has ever done a comprehensive thyroid evaluation on them. The reason this is so frustrating? We know that thyroid disorders are incredibly common, affecting one in […]

Understanding Fibroids – How Are Fibroids Treated?

What Are Fibroids? Fibroids are bundles of tissue that sometimes appear in the uterus. Unlike the normal muscle of the uterus, which is somewhat smooth and soft, fibroids are tough. There are three main types of fibroids, all named based on their location. Submucosal fibroids invade the uterine cavity, occupying the same space a child would develop during pregnancy. Intramural fibroids form inside the lining of the uterine wall, […]

Five Quick Facts About Covid-19 And Fertility

1. COVID-19 does not appear to cause birth defects but may increase pregnancy complications. Unlike viruses such as rubella, chickenpox, or Zika virus, there is no evidence that COVID-19 causes birth defects. Because of the immunosuppression and increased respiratory demands of pregnancy, expectant mothers who become infected with COVID-19 must be closely monitored. COVID-19 in pregnancy can pose some increased risks to the baby, such as preterm birth and […]

Understanding Endometriosis – What you need to know?

What is Endometriosis? Endometriosis is a chronic condition that occurs when the endometrial tissue “finds a home” outside the uterus. Endometrial tissue is the lining of the uterus where pregnancies implant and grow. This is the tissue that sheds each month with a menstrual period. Most commonly, endometriosis is found on the ovaries or in the pelvis, but it can also be found on the bowel, bladder or in […]