Frozen Embryo Transfer

What is Frozen Embryo Transfer?

This is a procedure where embryos are frozen by method of vitification, and thawed when a decision for transfer back to uterus is made.

Endometrial lining of uterus is prepared accordingly. It can be prepared in a natural cycle or in an artifical cycle (prepared with hormone tablets)

Embryos are vitrified by process of vitrification. It is a rapid method of freezing over few minutes. It solidifies the cell into a glass-like state, thus, avoiding the formation of both intra and extracellular ice crystals and hence, risk of damage to cells. This is usually accomplished through the use of relatively high concentrations of cryoprotectant agents (CPA) and/or very high cooling rates (15,000–30,000°C/min). This technique is far more time-efficient, requiring only several minutes (12-15 mins.). The thaw results with vitrification is hence better than other methods of freezing.

Are there any risks associated with egg collection procedure?

Egg collection is a very simple and short procedure but is done under aneastheisa or general sedation. Women undergoing this procedure should be aware of following related to egg retrieval:

  • Risk of Infection
  • Bleeding or Internal Injury
  • There is no clear evidence for concerns related to physical and intellectual development of children born by ICSI. ICSI treatment does not result in more birth defects than that occur randomly with natural conception or with IVF.