What is Myomectomy Surgery

The surgical removal of leiomyomas (fibroids present in the uterus) is known as myomectomy. These fibroids are non-cancerous in nature and are most commonly seen in the uterus. These usually occur in the childbearing years, however, may also occur at any other age as well. The main purpose of the myomectomy procedure is to remove the fibroid from the patient’s body and restore the uterus anatomy.

1 in 5 women have fibroids, however most of them are harmless and have no symptoms. The doctor advises a myomectomy surgery if the woman is having fibroids in the uterus and shows symptoms that are problematic or interfere in pregnancy or getting pregnant.

Following are the reasons to go for myomectomy instead of hysterectomy procedure.

  • Restoring the uterus
  • Planning a pregnancy or bearing children in the future
  • If the fibroids in the uterus are causing a problem or interfering with fertility.
  • There are 3 types of procedures to get rid of the fibroids and usage of the type of procedure usually depends upon the location, size, and number of the fibroids present.
  • An abdominal Myomectomy is a suitable option if the patient has large uterine fibroids which covers the abdominal cavity and laparoscopy is not possible.
  • Laparoscopic myomectomy is generally the preferred route but surgical expertise is must before it is offered to patients.
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy is recommended if the fibroids are present inside the uterus.